Thursday, July 23, 2009

City smoking ban begins

News Story

No more smoking in Norman city parks.

The no smoking ordinance was approved by the city council on June 23. Signs were posted on Monday and people are expected to comply. Norman Police Capt. Leonard Judy said, "We expect that our primary role will be one of education about the ordinance, rather than enforcement of it."

Violators can recieve a citation from a police officer. If the defandant appears in court within five working days and pleads guilty or no contest the fine will be from $10
-$100 and a $44 court fee.


This could effect the number of people that go to summer events and concerts. Many people go to parks to relax and smoking is apart of their process. If people cannot smoke at events they might not go.

Even though I do not smoke, I do not believe that this law should exist. If people choose to smoke they should at least be allowed to smoke outside. This is one more unneccessary law.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Native Americans Protest Plan to Build Rail Stop on Historic Land

News Story

Indian Tribes in Utah are protesting the construction of a commuter rail stop on what was once a Native American village.

Gov. John Huntsman signed a bill for a land swap and the subsequent development of the Utah Transit Authorities FrontRunner stop as well as, a private development.

Five tribes in Utah have said that they are going to deliver resolutions to the governors office opposing the project. The site of the railstop would be built on a 3,000 year-old Native American village where priceless artifacts have been discovered.

"We've been told they found over 30,000 objects in less than one percent of the area," Parry said. "It's a significant, significant site."

Lt. Gov. Gary Herbert, who is expected to take office next month after the current Gov. becomes embassador to China, says that he will call a meeting together of the Tranist authority, Indian tibes, and officals to find an alternative solution.


Native American heritage is more important than a train stop. The governor should have never signed a bill that would destroy that heritage. There must be some way that the Transit authority could build around this site.

Pakistan Worried Afghan Offensive Pushing Taliban Across Border,2933,534360,00.html

Pakistan is concerned the U.S. offensive in southern Afghanistan could cause Taliban member to cross the border. The U.S. launched 4,000 marines into the Helmand province on July 2 attacking the Taliban.

Baluchistan is a province in northern Pakistan where a low-level insurgency group has been trying to gain more autonomy. An influx of Taliban into this province could destabilize the area into violence.

India is still believed to be Pakistan's greatest threat, the two counties have fought three wars over the past six years. If the influx did happen Pakistan would be forced to move troops from its border with India to Baluchistan province.

Pakistan is currently fighting Taliban terrorism within its own borders along the lawless tribal border with Afghanistan. The U.S. provides funding to the foreign army to arm its security forces and battle insurgents. Prime Minister Yousurf Raza Gilani is asking the United States to share more intelligence, equipment, ammunition, and unmanned vehicle technology.


How many more years are we going to have to stay and fight the Taliban in Afghanistan? It seems as if the United States war on terror is going to be indefinite. I believe that it is inappropriate to give money or supplies to Pakistan. If the U.S. gives Pakistan more information and more money, should we not be allowed to enter their country to fight terrorism?

The Pakistan government should move forces away from their border with India and fight harder against the Taliban. The Taliban operates inside the borders of Pakistan and is a threat to the safety of citizens.

Even though the war in Iraq is supposed to come to an end in the near future, how long will the war in Afghanistan last?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

40th Anniversary of The Moon Landing

"We choose to go to the moon!" Today we are celebrating the fulfillment of John F. Kennedy's dream; man's first landing on the moon.

In the summer of 1969 Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon. The Apollo 11 Mission took three astronauts to the moon; Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.

The moon landing inspired our nation to reach impossible goals. President Barrack Obama addressed the need for our nation to invest in research and technologies in order to exceed levels of success achieved at the height of the space race.

Can we still achieve space exploration goals in this time of economic downturn?

CNN reports that NASA is planning to retire its space shuttle fleet by 2010 leaving a five-year gap until the Orion spacecraft would be ready to launch. During this gap American astronauts will use Russian spacecrafts to travel on missions to the International Space Station.

NASA still has dreams of traveling to Mars, but first it plans on returning astronauts to the moon. The Constellation Program will be the new fleet of space exploration vehicles that will carry to the moon and eventually Mars.

How long it will take NASA to achieve its goals will depend on how much funding Congress grants the organization.

40 years ago the United States accomplished the impossible. Our citizens now celebrate that accomplishment and will continued to be inspired by our progress in space.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Toll increase approved for Oklahoma turnpikes

The toll prices on Oklahoma turnpikes will increase an average of 16percent at the end of the summer for all passenger and commercial vehicles. The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority approved the increase with little opposition. The new tolls will bring in an additional $21 million a year.

Without this increase the Turnpike Authority was looking at a $21 million shortfall. Since the increase was improved the capital budget was cut from 64 to 35 million dollars.

I find it interesting that they are still charging tolls on the Turnpike, because I thought the tolls were supposed to stop when the highway was paid off. It turns out that turnpike tolls are going to be indefinite. Why isn't the stimulus money given to the state by the federal government going to pay for the shortfall? If people are going to be paying more for the turnpike maybe they should be allowed to drive faster or there should be less police on the road.

Obama Tells Congress to 'Buck Up,' as Clock Ticks on Health Care Reform

On Wednesday Obama called on Congress to support and pass his health care reform plans. Obama believes that American people are ready for a change in their health care system. He called those who opposed his plan "cynics" who are defending a broken system.

The President wants the House and the Senate to pass reform bills before the August recess, so that he can sign the bill into law shortly after Congress returns after break. The estimate costs of one bill being formed in the senate estimates the reforms to cost between $1.0-1.5 trillion over ten years. Virtually all Republicans and a few Democrats are against the plan, but the majority of Democrats will vote in line with the Presidents wishes.

On both sides of the government lawmakers are arguing on how to pay for the expensive reforms. In the House of Representatives there is a bill that would tax people making over $350,000 per year, but Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, says that the bill does not have enough votes to pass. Virtually all Republicans in the House are against the health care reforms claiming; the reforms are too expensive and would create a whole new bureaucracy in the government.

The nation needs health reform badly, but I do not think a government health plan is the answer to the problem. The government does not manage programs well. If the government cannot manage Social Security without having massive problems; I have no faith that they can do a better job with health care.

4 killed, 32 wounded as 6 Baghdad churches bombed

On Sunday there were 6 churches bombed in Baghdad. Four people died and 21 people were wounded after a car bomb exploded outside of a church. The first bombing took place on Saturday night when two bombs exploded inside St. Joseph's Church in western Baghdad.

According to estimates 1 million Iraqi Christians have fled the country in order to escape from Muslim extremists. Some people are concerned that if the attacks continue there will be no more Christians in Iraq.

At least 1000 families left the northern city of Mosul last October after a violent attack against non-muslims left 14 people dead.

Even after several years of American occupation civilians still resort to bombings. Why does their society accept this behavior? I fear that after the United States leaves the country there will only be more violence that occurs.