Thursday, June 18, 2009

Critics Attack ABC News for Refusing to Air Opposing Ads During Obama's Health Care Special

ABC has refused to air ads during a prime time special that oppose President Obama's health plan. The RNC raised nearly $100,000 in order to run counter ads but ABC rejected the offers.

This is not that surprising to me. I find that the media is biased when it comes to politics and that they have a clear agenda. The media loves Obama. During the elections the major networks gave much more air time for Obama than for McCain. Even in the short time that Obama has been President he has made more television appearances than Bush did during both his two terms.

President Obama definitely has higher approval rating than President Bush, so the network are trying to capitalize on that popularity and capture ratings; unbiased reporting has been replaced by entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. What you fail to note is that the attack against ABC comes from the most openly and avowedly biased of the cable networks.

    I challenge you to produce actual figures showing that the major networks "gave more air time for Obama than for McCain." It may or may not be true. I think it's only fair to your followers for you to show us where you got these facts.

    As for the television appearances: the former president was not comfortable nor effective in front of the cameras, so his media advisors limited his press conferences. A regular complaint from all the media during the early days of the Bush administration was lack of access.

    Mr Obama is much more comfortable in the give and take of the press conference and other kinds of "impromptu" appearances.

    In addition, there has been a lot going on nationally and internationally since Jan. 20 that has required the president to speak publically. You're probably too young to have been paying much attention to the "media" in the days after Sept 11, 2001 -- but Mr Bush was everywhere in the media.
